baby-led weaning bootcamp
3-day online event that gets YOU ready for your baby to start solid foods
May 31-June 2, 2023
blw bootcamp starts in:

what is the baby-led weaning bootcamp?

The Baby-Led Weaning Bootcamp is a 3-day online event that gets YOU ready for your baby to start solid foods.

The Baby-Led Weaning Bootcamp is taught by BLW Dietitian Katie Ferraro and contains 3 days of video trainings, downloadable feeding guides and a baby-led weaning Q&A.

This is a 3-day virtual event that costs $15 to join. You do not need to attend live and you have lifetime access to the materials.

who is this for?

What if YOUR BABY is almost ready to start solid foods - but YOU are NOT?!

Maybe you’ve heard of baby-led weaning - but you’re not sure what it is or even if it’s the right approach for you…the BLW Bootcamp will answer these questions.

If your baby is 3, 4, or 5 months old - it’s almost time to start solid foods - and the Baby-Led Weaning Bootcamp IS FOR YOU!

what am i going to learn?

The BLW Bootcamp curriculum is a 3-day online event that gets YOU ready for your baby to start solid foods.

Each day of the bootcamp you’ll receive video trainings, downloadable feeding guides and valuable training to prepare properly for the transition to solid foods using a baby-led approach!
day 1 - May 31
what is baby-led weaning?
Discover the benefits of baby-led weaning and explore the research that supports BLW as a safe and effective alternative to traditional parent-led spoon-feeding
Day 2 - June 1
signs of readiness to eat

Recognize the signs of readiness to start solid foods and learn how to safely prepare first foods that your baby can self-feed
Day 3 - June 2
Where You might Get Stuck?
Troubleshoot common roadblocks during the transition to solid foods including scheduling solid foods with breastfeeding, food allergies and gagging…with added trainings on how to get your family and pediatrician on board with BLW

meet your bootcamp host & blw dietitian

Katie Ferraro, MPH, RDN, CDCES

The BLW Bootcamp is taught by Katie Ferraro, Registered Dietitian specializing in baby-led weaning, college nutrition professor and mom of 7. Katie runs the @babyledweanteam Instagram, hosts the BABY-LED WEANING MADE EASY podcast and is the creator of the original 100 FIRST FOODS™️ approach to BLW. 

how does the baby-led weaning bootcamp work?

The BLW Bootcamp contains 3 days of video trainings, downloadable feeding guides and a baby-led weaning Q&A to get YOU ready for your baby to start solid foods.
The BLW Bootcamp runs May 31-June 2, 2023 and you have lifetime access to the training materials. It costs $15 to join…just $5 per day!
live support
Still have questions about starting solid foods? Katie will be answering BLW questions in a private Q&A.
BLW bootcamp: May 31-June 2, 2023
Yes, your baby can learn to safely eat real food. From their first bites.

BLW bootcamp: May 31-June 2, 2023

If your baby is 3, 4, or 5 months old - this BLW Bootcamp is for you!! 

Your baby is almost ready to start solid foods - let’s get YOU up to speed for this important next phase of your baby’s development!

parents love learning blw with Katie Ferraro

“Would’ve called it quits.”

If it wasn’t for you I would have called it quits the first time she gagged on her food and just fed her purees!

-A Santana

“oohs and aahs at family gatherings”

Thank you for empowering parents and giving us confidence! Every time we go to family gatherings, we get so many ooh’s and ah’s about the many different foods my 9 month old eats and feeds himself despite not having teeth yet!

-Chandra L.

“Katie made me excited - not anxious - about blw.”

No one in my family including my husband was originally on board with the idea of letting our baby self-feed. Katie made me excited - not anxious about blw. You are the reason I trusted this was the best way to feed Stella!

-Stephanie D

frequently asked questions about baby-led weaning bootcamp?

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